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How many times have you heard an old timer say, “The biggest bucks do the most breeding”? They usually follow with the statement, “It’s nature’s way to insure the fittest survive.” Although the above may be true for some deer...
High Natural MortalityIs killing all spikes that bad, even if it represents an average of 40 percent, and as much as 63 percent of the bucks in that age class during any given year? It very well could be because...
Shed Hunting the Midwest
February and March are very exciting times in the Midwest if you are a land manager or just an avid deer hunter. The popularity of “Shed Hunting” has become a whole new avenue of educating and strategy. Just like when...
The Huisache Buck – Part III
We were 40-50 yards along the buck’s escape route when we found the first signs of blood and a bone chip that we both identified as a one-inch section of rib. This was a good sign and our confidence rose...
The Huisache Buck – Part II
As mentioned during Part I, the 2003 buck capture ended without us capturing the Huisache Buck. To make matters worse, none of the other guides had even caught glimpses of the wary buck during the first 11 weeks of the...
Rattling 101 - Part III
Wham! I hit the shed antlers together as hard as I could and then quickly pulled them apart. Again, I slammed the antlers together with all of my force. This time I kept the antlers entwined and twisted the tines...
Rattling 101 - Part II
Far and away the best time to rattle is during the rut peak - if you are interested in rattling in high numbers of bucks. Often when rattling during the rut peak more than one buck will respond at a...
Rattling 101 - Part I
I caught movement out of the left corner of my eye just as I pulled the shed antlers apart from each other. I slowly turned for a better look, but whatever it was that had made the movement was no longer...
As the helicopter moved closer the "whir" from the blades became almost deafening. Leaves and tree branches began to sway and dust began to fly in all directions. Occasionally, the rotor or the skids from the helicopter would graze the...
The Importance of Continued Data Collection
Data Collection, they are two words, which often go unheard by many deer hunters. Depending on where you hunt, as the season fires up or continues, the necessity for continued data collection is extremely important to a successful deer management...
In Parts I – IV of this series, I have examined results from various penned deer studies and wild deer studies to try and answer the question of whether or not to shoot spikes. In this final installment, I will...
Spikes: Part IV
In Part III and included in Part IV, I’m examining the results of several studies that have been completed during recent years on wild bucks in south Texas. It is important to discuss these additional studies because of the inherent...
In Part I and II of this series, I defined what a spike buck was and explained the background of the debate. I also summarized the theories behind each of the two camps related to the question of whether or...
Spikes: Have Recent Penned Studies Ended the Debate? - Part II
In Part I, I defined what a spike buck was and explained the ongoing debate of whether or not to shoot spikes. In Part II, I will examine the results of the various penned studies that have been completed in...
Spikes: Have Recent Penned Studies Ended the Debate? - Part I
There is no other topic like the issue of spikes to spark a heated debate at deer camp. Everyone seems to have an opinion about spikes. And until recently, the controversy seemed far from resolved. In this five-part series, I...
Concerns to Consider When Implementing a Supplemental Feeding Program - Part VI
The Need to Control Deer DensityPart I of this six-part series outlined all of the many positive benefits of a supplemental feeding program to a deer herd. Two of those benefits were higher reproductive rates and higher survival. Both of...